Every Dog has its Day, well I am not terming anyone as a dog, but just referring to my proverbs and wise sayings.

There is no way, recurring on a seat is going to happen at this young level in the society, then these are the same people who we are going to vote for as our presidents and continue regretting forever, something close to what is happening in Uganda. Babu has been on the seat for three years now, but there are issues that have never been addressed let alone talked about.
In a recent interview with Mike Jacobs, a Student and Running mate to Babu Owino, I asked him to tell me what he thinks has not been addressed in the past three years and happens to be a great concern to students . I was shocked by what he told me because, these are the things that should come as First hand priorities but have been neglected just because people are tired of coming out and talking about them openly.


I'm a witness to this, The condition of the hostels is POOR and pathetic, I mean, why pay over 10K for a room that is worth 3K yet its paint has washed off, the water supply was cut, ugly floors and general outlooks that are disheartening to First Year students.Comrades deserve better.

Corporate Participation

There is little corporate association involving students, and that's the main reason why UoN need to change their leadership. The school has set precedents as condoning a single person to run for Chair Again and Again.

Active Students Politics.

The SONU , Should be participatory to Other students, this is in achievable since there is stagnant leadership. If you want change, you have to change your course.

Mentorship Programmes.

Important college events such as mentorship sessions are not held in the university. Even if there was one, it must have ended in a rough up. The presence of leaders to stop or control rogue behaviour is needed.This is a result of leadership that has overstayed an is now ignoring it's mandate.

Student Suspensions.

There are unwarranted suspensions that go overboard due to poor breech between the student leaders and the Administration.

These among others are the Things that Mike Jacobs talked to me about, and I think it's quite a great deal.

You cannot kill two birds with one stone unless it's  in a Nigerian movie, so my only question to you Babu Owino is, Is it the SONU seat you want, or is it the Embakasi seat you want?The students were lenient enough to let you run for three terms, but you haven't reciprocated in anyway.
Showing up during demonstrations is not what Comrades want, Change is what they are after.

Comrades want to vote for someone who will be able to address their issues full time and represent them well . Time is Up , leave the seat to this Vibrant soul whose main and only interest is Comrades Satisfaction .

Vote For Mike Jacobs.
He is the future, and the future is now.!!


Unknown said…
I k8nda like Babu but also got a feeling he should retire from campus politics

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