RIP Linda Wanjala...Gone too soon

I'm jotting this post today a very sad  lady. Sad, confused and shocked.I have lost a friend, former school mate, an age mate and someone I respected as an Achiever and go getter.

It has been two days since the news was broken to me by a friend named (Cyrillah).I can remember when she texted me
"Linda Wanjala is dead"
I replied
Because I thought she was joking and I wondered why...but later on I went to read the conversation on our group wall and tears did not stop rolling down my cheeks.

I then started asking my self a series of questions.It did not seem this time no one knew the cause of her death and some part of me kept telling me it's not true...

On the previous day,Tuesday, we had met over pizza (me and some of my schoolmates) just to catch up and have fun times, but none of us new what laid in store for us the next day . We even planned on how we were going to dunda on Friday but, today we plan on how we are going to visit our friend's family instead.

Linda was a cheerful soul,full of life, she rarely had issues with people and had a really bright future ahead.She was at Kenya High and later Joined Kenyatta University to study Medicine. Her death was caused by a short term illness, a source close to her told me she had a slight stomach ache that led to her demise.

It is soo sad that we will not be able to see her again, but I am sure she is at a better place right now. My deepest condolences go to her Family and friends (Martha &Camilla).She needs you to be strong so that her journey to Eternal Rest may be Smooth

And to all of the students of Lugulu Primary, Nzoia Sugar Co.Primary school, Kenya High and K.U ,Yes we have lost an Alumni who would have made us proud but let us embrace the challenge and Thank the Lord.
This is not goodbye, we shall see you Again



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