Friendzone by Sauti Sol- Lyrics

(Chimano) I’m one drink away, from saying I Love You. Kuna mambo nashindwa ficha mama, leo lazima niseme. Drunk-texting baby, telling you how I feel. Maji yamezidi unga masheri wacha moyo ufunguke… (Bien) Coz I’m so tipsy! ...and you’re so in my head. And I’m trying, not to lose myself. Chorus: Jumping off the friend zone (I’m jump… I’m jumping) baby. Out of the friend zone baby, and I got no parachute. Jumping off the friend zone (I’m jump… I’m jumping) baby. Out of the friend zone baby, and I hope I’m gonna land on you. Guitar Interlude (Polycarp) (E ya mado!) (…and I hope I’m gonna land on you) Verse 2: (Savara) Awkward information vile unanicheki na ma aibu. (lakini) Wee ndo inspiration ya muziki natunga kila siku. Mentally frustration, nimezificha hisia zangu. Sexual tension baby give me your body. (Bien) Coz I’m so tipsy, and you’re so in my head. And I’m trying not to lose myself. Chorus Guitar Interlude (Polycarp) Bridge: ...