Ladies, Know Your Zone

I was doing dishes when this random thought came to my mind, some men have turned their relationships to Contracts, that may end at any time and that has to work under certain terms and conditions. For the ladies, they have deviced survival tactics that help them meet the harsh economic times we are facing as a country, Top of the Tactics is the "Zones" . A lady can and will zone you with whatever you put to the table whenever you first meet. Airtime Zone, Ride Zone, Date Zone, Mpesa Zone, Tickets Zone, Terrific Tuesday Zone , Fuck Zone ,Sponsor Zone among many others. And she will never ask for anything other than what she has zoned you in, but I can see men picking up this trend quite impressively, they also have zones for their ladies. Mboch Zone ( maid) So my dear lady reading this, you are in a relationship with a man, and you suggest for a meeting or a date. Then he tells you to go over to his house to catch a movie, but since you love him and his your boyfrien...